
.Net Installation
DotNet Icon Downloading the .Net Package
Use Nuget or an equivalent package manager to download and install ErrLog.IO.

Package Manager


Configuring the .Net Package
ErrLog.IO has a number of settings available, however only one is required - The API key.
Parameter Type Description
ErrLog.settings.apikey String Your API Key
ErrLog Icon Instantiating ErrLog.IO
There are a number of ways to activate ErrLog.IO within your application.
The first examples are by utilizing the Application_Error method in global.asax for both WebForms and MVC.
The next example demonstrates how to catch errors in a console or similar application using the CurrentDomain_UnhandledException methods.
Alternative Methods - Try Catch Blocks
You can also capture errors within a try/catch block, using this simple method:
Alternative Methods - Application_Error
Exceptions can also be caught globally in a .Net application by using the global.asax.cs class or global.asax.vb.


Optional Parameters
ErrLog.IO has a number of settings available, however only one is required - the API key.
Optional Parameters


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