
.Net Core Installation
DotNet Icon Downloading the .Net Core Package
Use .Net Core CLI to download and install the ErrLog.IO.Core package.
dotnet add package errlog.io.core
DotNet Icon Community Contribution

Vassilis Panos has created a fantastic .Net Core package for ErrLog - check it out below:

Need Help?
Microsoft have a fantastic quickstart tutorial explaining how to install a .Net Core package from nuget, over.
Configuring the .Net Package
ErrLog.IO has a number of settings available, however only one is required - The API key.
Parameter Type Description
ErrLog.settings.apikey String Your API Key
ErrLog Icon Instantiating ErrLog.IO
There are a number of ways to activate ErrLog.IO within your application.
The first examples are by utilizing the Application_Error method in global.asax for both WebForms and MVC.
The next example demonstrates how to catch errors in a console or similar application using the CurrentDomain_UnhandledException methods.
Alternative Methods - Try Catch Blocks
You can also capture errors within a try/catch block, using this simple method:
Alternative Methods - Application_Error
Exceptions can also be caught globally in a .Net application by using the global.asax.cs class or global.asax.vb.


Optional Parameters
ErrLog.IO has a number of settings available, however only one is required - the API key.
Optional Parameters


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