
F# Installation
DotNet Icon Downloading the .Net Package
Use Nuget or an equivalent package manager to download and install ErrLog.IO.

Package Manager

Packet Manager

.Net CLI

 Configuring the .Net Package
ErrLog.IO has a number of settings available, however only one is required - The API key.
Parameter Type Description
ErrLog.settings.apikey String Your API Key
ErrLog Icon Instantiating ErrLog.IO to Log Errors & Exceptions
The simplest way to send an error from F# to ErrLog.IO is via a try/with code block.
Before passing an exception to the logging method, remember to set the APIKey property.
// set your api key
ErrLog.settings.apikey <- @"[Your-api-key]";

// catch an error
	printf "Enter a selection: ";
	let input  = Console.ReadLine();
	printfn ""
	| ex -> ErrLog.logger.log ex |> ignore


Optional Parameters
ErrLog.IO has a number of settings available, however only one is required - the API key.
Optional Parameters


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